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Welcome back DragonLily to Device Bondage. In the 2 years DragonLily was off she went out and became a certified MILF. We are glad to have her back.

So lets just get to it, shall we? The sybian is the most powerful vibrator on the planet. It will rip and tear orgasm after orgasm out of you. If you are bound and impaled on one you have no hope of not cumming. But cumming is not your real problem – not cumming over and over and over what you need to be worrying about. The Sybian will destroy you. It will vibrate and make you cum until you either pass out or slip into sub-space so deep you’re gone to the world anyway.

It’s hot for us to watch someone vibrated to near hysteria. But for the victim it starts as pure heaven that slips slowly into a personal hell you can not imagine, as you are made to cum and cum with no hope of stopping it.
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