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Welcome to the start of a new season. Season Nine of Cruel Surrender is upon us. New wrestlers, new rivalries, forgotten faces. and a brand new race to crown a champion.

Rain DeGrey was Season 7’s Rookie of the year. Since then she has obtained a personal wrestling trainer and has been working hard off the mat. Rain finished Season 8 ranked 7th. She is strong, determined, and has great endurance. If you wrestle Rain you are in for a very tough, full 24 minutes of hard work. She will shit talk you the very second she gains an upper hand, and will fuck the living shit out of you if you lose. Rain is a seasoned veteran and a push to recon with at Severe Surrender.

Holly Heart is back! After disappearing of the face of the earth for a year, Holly is back with a new nickname and attitude. Holly is one of the strongest wrestlers on the roster with legs of steel. The only thing stopping Holly from the next level is her endurance. If this woman ever increases her cardio so she can go all 24 minutes at 100%, we might have a new ultra elite wrestler

This was a great back and forth match up. Both giving and receiving some brutal holds. In the end it was endurance and conditioning that won out over strength. Rain wore down the “Honey Badger” and brutalized her on the mat. Smack talking and a abyss punishing butt-banging is what Holly got her first match back at US. Rain gain the win and the number one ranking, or now..

File Size: 616 MB
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Length: 00:44:34
Format: WMV
Pics: included
Studio: Kink

File size: 616.8 MB

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