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Welcome to the start of a new season. Season Nine of Severe Give up is upon us. New wrestlers, new rivalries, forgotten faces, and a brand new race to crown a champion.

Iona Grace finished Season 8 ranked 15th, she had only one match up in single competition but was very active in the Tag Team league. She is looking for her first win in single competition. Iona is in good shape and should have picked up valuable experience in the Tag Team league.

Emma Haize is back for a new season. Last season she was 0-3 and did not make the top 16 to acquire into the tournament. This year she comes in even lighter. The one thing that impresses everyone who watches this woman wrestle is her determination. She never gives up, she wrestles hard to the end no matter what the score.

Iona’s experience and size and tenacious double-D’s won the day. Emma gave it all she had, but could not overcome the strength and experience of Iona. Submission holds, head locks, grape vines, and crushing leg scissors were just some of the hell Emma endured in her loss. Iona gave a wonderful bottom fucking to the loser in RD4. If you lose at this sport, you’re going to acquire humiliated and fucked like a slut on the mat.

File Size: 532 MB
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Length: 00:39:25
Format: WMV
Pics: included
Studio: Kink

File size: 532.8 MB

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