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Welcome to another installment of the Hogtied feature video series. These movies are real life fantasies of the dolls who appear in the films, played out in a safe and sane environment for your viewing pleasure. This month’s installment is “Into The Darkness” starring Rylie Richman.

In the fall of 2005 a small Berkeley school was accepting new pledges to their sorority. Rylie Richman was 20yr aged transfer student from a prestigious southern School. Wanting to fit in, she pledged the most popular Sorority on campus.

All she needed to do was spend one night in the Historical Armory building on Mission street in San Fransisco. One simple night and she would be in the coolest Sorority in all of the East Bay. With her flashlight, candles, Pillow and blankets, she snuck in through a side entrance.

Two weeks later Riley was found alone and wandering the Streets of the Tenderloin. No memory of the previous two weeks, no memory of the events that transpired that night she stole into the Armory on Mission Street…

File Size: 437 MB
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Length: 00:32:40
Format: WMV
Pics: included
Studio: Kink

File size: 437.0 MB

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