BDSM-GATE to free extreme BDSM movies, videos, clips, galleries

Here you will find many free BDSM clips: brutal torture, cruel bondage, domination and discipline, submissive girls, kinky fetish, sadism and masochism, humiliation, caning, whipping, spanking, flogging, corporal punishment, hot wax, piercings…

26 year old student nurse Bridget found us by accident. Poking for job offers in an online resource happened her upon an ad The Attic had out for damsels interested in bondage. She doesn’t have any experience with bondage, just a strong desire to force her boundaries –something she readily admits does not happen in her personal life. During the interview we see she is nervous, answering the questions matter of factly. She eases up a bit when we get to her masturbation frequency question. Rattling off a litany of items she uses to please herself. But when the conversation turns to questions pointed at what makes her panic she becomes more tense and apprehensive, unsure even. JR is more direct and ask her..

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