I was roped for a truly long time tonight. Both eager to obtain upstairs for some sex and a roping, I quickly made my way to the bedroom before Martin could obtain there and I stripped down to just my heels and waited for him. When he got upstairs, he hogtied me on the bed and jumped in the shower. Chained on the bed while Martin watches me from afar. I love it and it’s evident. I love being straped up, knowing he’s looking me up and down and thinking about how much it hurts but I’m being such a excellent chick. I didn’t care if he were to accept his time because I was busy fantasizing about what was going to happen when he earn out of the shower. Sure enough, when he was done, he put me on my side and laid next to me. To touch, stare and fondle me before untying only my legs to get to my pussy. Sexiest and most effective way to obtain me more than wanting. My elbows being tied going on 45 minutes, then my weight being rested on my arms or being pulled up high from behind. My hair still in a pony tail and restrained to my elbows has my head in an awkward position and when I’m on my back in a full arch, it’s very hard to manage. It’s a unending reminder of how punished I feel but when sex is involved, I tolerate the pain a lot more and can last a lot longer. This is perfection. Acquiring fixed up for foreplay, then sex with or without bondage.
Format: mp4
Duration: 15:26
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 4812kbps
Audio: 156kbps
File size: 562.4 MB