I just got residence from a long day at work, and I can not wait to get out of these stilettos! I plop down on the couch and slowly slip off my heels, dangling them off my toes until they fall off. I start massaging my sore feet through my silky nylons. I start to obtain in reality into it, rubbing my legs, breasts, and starting to slightly unbutton my shirt. Little do I know, someone has been watching me this whole time!
You cant take it anymore as you watch me caress my legs and feet and moan in pleasure. You leap out from your hiding place in the kitchen to confront me. You frighten me as I jump back and yell at you to obtain out of my house! You ask me why, what a stupid question! Acquire out or Im calling the cops! You know what, Im going to call the cops anyway! I turn to get my phone when you decide you have to stop me. You dont need cops around the neighborhood, which would definitely put a damper on all the peeping you have planned to do! So you quickly decide to grab me from behind with your hand over my mouth, hand me until Im xxxx. You search for a way to secure me before I wake up so that you can leave assured that I wont escape and call the police.
When I wake up, I am wrapped several times with duct tape! I can extremely move and the tape gag around my head keeps me from being able to call for help. I dont know where the peeping tom fled to, but I have no choice but to try and escape, no one will be looking for me all weekend! I struggle frantically against the tape, to no avail. It doesnt seem to be getting any looser as I roll around on the floor, causing my skirt to ride up and my melons to occasionally peek out of my halfway unbuttoned blouse. My pantyhose are going to be ruined from all this tape! What am I supposed to do now! This is not what I had planned for a relaxing night off!
Chrissy arrives dwelling-place and wants to relax, she massages herself, next thing you know, a peeping tom grabs her. And she wakes up, she is all wrapped up in tape, we get to see Chrissy struggle for the rest of the video on the floor, rolling, she is totally helpless.
Format: mp4
Duration: 12:13
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 8421kbps
Audio: 239kbps
File size: 775.4 MB