Poor Izzebella! Working from dwelling turned out to be far less productive than she had hoped. After having been bound up and left all alone in her crisp white blouse, tweed skirt, and black leather flats, she can badly be expected to acquire any work done. that is, not unless you count writhing and squirming against tight rope as work! The pretty redhead is resigned to her plight, moaning softly into her cleave gag as she tries to at least find a comfortable position, but that’s not in the cards for her. Finally, after fruitless attempts to acquire loose, she hops to the window and stares forlornly outside, hoping someone will see her and rescue her! Of course, if YOU saw her like this, wouldn’t rescue be the last thing on your mind?
Format: mp4
Duration: 19:57
Video: 1920×1080, AVC (H.264), 9920kbps
Audio: 309kbps
File size: 1.5 GB