Purple Jade and I return home after a long day, and my dawgss are barking, so I politely ask PJ to rub my feet and she earn somewhat of an attitude. Sensing my dissatisfaction, she quickly offers to dance for me instead. I take and PJ starts a hot little dance utilizing the post. And, Seeing that she’s using the post, I order her to strip. After she has unclothed I am soon binding her wrists behind her back. As pretty as she looks dancing it is just too much motion for my liking, and as much as I enjoy watching PJ dance, I’d much rather see her struggling in tight bondage. As an added bonus, I guarantee that she will be ecstatic about rubbing my feet when we are done. I collar her and then cock gag her. I run a rope from her collar and tie it off above. I grope and manhandle her before gifting PJ a tight crotchrope… her ankles are then roped together, as well as her elbows. Clover clamps with large cowbells are attached to her nipples before she is ordered to start dancing.
Format: mp4
Duration: 27:42
Video: 1280×720, AVC (H.264), 2928kbps
Audio: 124kbps
File size: 620.7 MB