BDSM-GATE to free extreme BDSM movies, videos, clips, galleries

Here you will find many free BDSM clips: brutal torture, cruel bondage, domination and discipline, submissive girls, kinky fetish, sadism and masochism, humiliation, caning, whipping, spanking, flogging, corporal punishment, hot wax, piercings…

Some wives cook really good, others just look really good and don’t cook. Sheila Marie burned the chicken dinner so her husband taught her a lesson by basting her with cum and hog tying this gorgeous busty redhead housewife whore. First we pumped her huge tits and puffed up her nipples, mouth gagged her and shoved dildos in her ass! And that’s just the beginning…

Niche: Milf / BDSM
PlayTime : 55:33
Format : WMV HD
File size: 1.0 GB

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Amber Ashlee talks shit on the court but when we shove that ball gag in her dirty whore mouth she can’t do much but succumb to humiliation! We tied her up to a locker room shower bench and not only jammed dildos in her tight 18 year old pussy but dunked some big balls in her mouth! After a few minutes of slamming her incredible busty body we left her slutty ass at the buzzer…

Niche: Teen / BDSM
PlayTime : 44:40
Format : WMV HD
File size: 845.1 MB
File size: 845.1 MB

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Only after a few moments was Jayden spread eagle and tied up to her cozy little bed, mouth gagged and pussy pumped, begging to get fucked! We set her up to get fucked hard by our dick drill while her teen lips were wrapped around a fat cock. It’s fucking insane just how such a small teen pussy can take so much humiliation!

Niche: Teen / BDSM
PlayTime : 38:00
Format : WMV HD
File size: 583.1 MB
File size: 583.1 MB

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Year: 2004
Genre: Spanking – Whips, Bizarr Sex, Bondage, Dominant – Submissive, SM – BDSM
Directed by: Master Costello
Studio: Off-Limits Media

MASTER COSTELLO really is one of the masters of the genres BDSM demonstrating torture to perfection. On the other hand the so called FEM-DOM films such as STELLA CRUELLA or SM STUDIO BERLIN are feminine dominas who take over the role and MASTER COSTELLO is miles ahead when it comes to this theme. He leads devoted slaves who use tools such as whips, hot wax, pegs, weights to name but a few through a world of sexual lust and pain as well as unreserved humiliation. His films concentrate more towards sexual fantasies in extreme situations rather than on brutality. MASTER COSTELLO distances himself in every form from extreme bodily harm, sexual compulsion as well as emotional torture. All his actresses are armatures and play a devoted role either out of total interest or real longing. As a result his films are very convincing and convey high class genre.

File size: 696 MB

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Year: 2004
Genre: Spanking – Whips, Bizarr Sex, Bondage, Dominant – Submissive, SM – BDSM
Directed by: Master Costello
Studio: Off-Limits Media

MASTER COSTELLO really is one of the masters of the genres BDSM demonstrating torture to perfection. On the other hand the so called FEM-DOM films such as STELLA CRUELLA or SM STUDIO BERLIN are feminine dominas who take over the role and MASTER COSTELLO is miles ahead when it comes to this theme. He leads devoted slaves who use tools such as whips, hot wax, pegs, weights to name but a few through a world of sexual lust and pain as well as unreserved humiliation. His films concentrate more towards sexual fantasies in extreme situations rather than on brutality. MASTER COSTELLO distances himself in every form from extreme bodily harm, sexual compulsion as well as emotional torture. All his actresses are armatures and play a devoted role either out of total interest or real longing. As a result his films are very convincing and convey high class genre.

File size: 701 MB

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Year: 2004
Genre: Spanking – Whips, Bizarr Sex, Bondage, Dominant – Submissive, SM – BDSM
Directed by: Master Costello
Studio: Off-Limits Media

MASTER COSTELLO really is one of the masters of the genres BDSM demonstrating torture to perfection. On the other hand the so called FEM-DOM films such as STELLA CRUELLA or SM STUDIO BERLIN are feminine dominas who take over the role and MASTER COSTELLO is miles ahead when it comes to this theme. He leads devoted slaves who use tools such as whips, hot wax, pegs, weights to name but a few through a world of sexual lust and pain as well as unreserved humiliation. His films concentrate more towards sexual fantasies in extreme situations rather than on brutality. MASTER COSTELLO distances himself in every form from extreme bodily harm, sexual compulsion as well as emotional torture. All his actresses are armatures and play a devoted role either out of total interest or real longing. As a result his films are very convincing and convey high class genre.

File size: 794 MB

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Year: 2005
Genre: Spanking – Whips, Bizarr Sex, Bondage, Dominant – Submissive, SM – BDSM
Directed by: Master Costello
Studio: Off-Limits Media

Ein weiteres Meisterwerk aus dem Dungeon des Master Costello! Mit gewohnt seriöser sowie erbarmungsloser Macht schwingt er Peitsche und Rohrstock über den Körper der devoten Dame aus dem Straßen-Café, während nebenan, im dunklen Folterraum, bestückt mit allerlei Folter- und Fessel-Utensilien, die zweite Sklavin gefesselt vibrierend auf ihre Bestrafung wartet.
Dieser Streifen ist ein sehr hart-erotisch umgesetzter BDSM-Film, mit einem, aus dem Blickwinkel dieses Genres, durchaus als erotisch-lasziv zu bezeichnenden Touch. Ein empfehlenswertes und schmerzvolles Symbol der Lust. (Die Red.)

MASTER COSTELLO really is one of the masters of the genres BDSM demonstrating torture to perfection. On the other hand the so called FEM-DOM films such as STELLA CRUELLA or SM STUDIO BERLIN are feminine dominas who take over the role and MASTER COSTELLO is miles ahead when it comes to this theme. He leads devoted slaves who use tools such as whips, hot wax, pegs, weights to name but a few through a world of sexual lust and pain as well as unreserved humiliation. His films concentrate more towards sexual fantasies in extreme situations rather than on brutality. MASTER COSTELLO distances himself in every form from extreme bodily harm, sexual compulsion as well as emotional torture. All his actresses are armatures and play a devoted role either out of total interest or real longing. As a result his films are very convincing and convey high class genre.

File size: 1.1 GB

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Year: 2004
Genre: Spanking – Whips, Bizarr Sex, Bondage, Dominant – Submissive, SM – BDSM
Directed by: Master Costello
Studio: Off-Limits Media

Master Costello schlägt wieder zu. In seinem im September 2004 erschienen Werk “Sklavin DINA” zeigt er wieder seine ganze Härte und sein Einfühlungsvermögen. Seine Passion, nur mit “neugierigen” Amateurinnen zu drehen, macht auch diesen Film zu etwas Besonderem. Costello, der die unglaubliche Gabe besitzt, Lust und Schmerz zu verschmelzen, zeigt in “Sklavin DINA” wie SM professionell praktiziert wird. Dabei geht er hart an die Grenzen von dem, was heute gerade noch veröffentlicht werden darf.
Gekonnt unterwirft und züchtigt der Meister die Skalvin Dina und bedient sich dabei den unterschiedlichsten Werkzeugen: Gerte, Peitsche, Wachs, Klammern etc. Der Härtegrad dieses Filmes ist einfach unglaublich. Heißes Wachs auf die Zunge, Peitschen in den Schritt, brutale Fesseltechniken, Riesendildo, Fisting mit beiden! Händen, Analfisting, Sitzen auf einen mit Stacheln bestückten Stuhl… Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass DINA zu 100% masochistisch veranlagt sein muss, denn solche Prozeduren wird wohl kein Mensch nur des Geldes wegen über sich ergehen lassen.
Freunde des perfekten und hochwertigen BDSM und SM werden bei diesem Werk voll auf ihre Kosten kommen. Ein echter Costello, der für Anhänger dieses Genres ein “Must have” ist. Für alle anderen gilt unbedingt: Finger weg! (Die Red.)

MASTER COSTELLO really is one of the masters of the genres BDSM demonstrating torture to perfection. On the other hand the so called FEM-DOM films such as STELLA CRUELLA or SM STUDIO BERLIN are feminine dominas who take over the role and MASTER COSTELLO is miles ahead when it comes to this theme. He leads devoted slaves who use tools such as whips, hot wax, pegs, weights to name but a few through a world of sexual lust and pain as well as unreserved humiliation. His films concentrate more towards sexual fantasies in extreme situations rather than on brutality. MASTER COSTELLO distances himself in every form from extreme bodily harm, sexual compulsion as well as emotional torture. All his actresses are armatures and play a devoted role either out of total interest or real longing. As a result his films are very convincing and convey high class genre.

File size: 688 MB

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