My legs was raised and secured to the frame so I was left balancing on one leg.
My legs was raised and secured to the frame so I was left balancing on one leg.
Things just were not working out, I couldn’t acquire the final result I wanted, and spent far too long fidgeting.
Mina looks glorious in her new purple realise swimsuit, she is relaxing on the bed in the warm morning sunlight.
I changed it up mid shoot and switched out one of the spreader bars and changed to a slightly.
I was gagged and my elbows were tightly straped while sitting cross legged on a kitchen bench.
Was in some charming legitimate discomfort here, turns out that bar was digging into her ankle.
Some ropes were added to my legs tying my ankles together, and the rope was.
As such I didn’t acquire quite as many photographs as I would have liked, though the ones.