The sub doll is aggressively fisted, has a bottle inserted, is strung up and whipped by a girl domme, has a fat candle lit and inserted, lots of waxing as well. Also, a baseball bat is inserted and restrained rapid. Lots of screaming on part of the sub; good entertainment is had by all. Ends with a pee on one of the doms.
The book follows the text, and the poor geisha is played by the black heart manager. He smells black and white, and the lame manager asks each toe seam to be clean. Afterwards, the geisha’s meal is the mud in the toe of the manager’s toe. The geisha dare not refuse to do anything. She has to do everything to make a living. The mortal manager only takes pleasure in it. She is arrogant and geisha lays down in various poses and sits on her face to make her smell bumm. Next, the poor geisha breathed hard through the manager’s underpants and lower flesh, and the manager indulged in indignity and embarrassment. She just wants to play with insults and enjoy her service.